BVV – pension solutions for the finance industry

Pension system in Germany

Different to other countries

Germany's old-age pension system consists of three pillars. As the statutory part has been decreasing in the last years, occupational coverage today plays an important role and is sponsored by the government.

The standard retirement age in Germany is 67. However, an earlier or later start of retirement is possible.

How does it work?

In the finance sector, occupational pension plans are often salary-linked and jointly financed by the employer and employee.

The government offers tax benefits: Contributions are deductible as business expenses for the employer and largely exempt from income tax for the employee. Pensions will be taxed when paid out to the beneficiary.

Why BVV?

Larger than you think

Measured by its capital investment volume, BVV is Germany's largest pension institution.
(Status 31.12.2023)

Founded 1909
Location Berlin
Number of member companies 759
Number of insured persons and pensioners approx. 498,000
Investment volume approx. 33,7 billion EUR
Administration expense ratio 2,3 %
Staff 300 employees
Executive Board 3 members

Our references

Our members include companies from the private banking and financial services sector, cooperative institutions, associations, pension institutions, auditing and trust companies, tax consultants, insurance companies and brokers.

BVV's pension solutions

1. Externally financed and administered pension plans, that are in line with the finance sector's needs

2. Flexible pension plans with or without the employee's participation

3. Transfer of existing pension systems in connection with the outsourcing of pension reserves from direct benefit or benevolent fund agreements

Good to know: As a member-owned pension institution all BVV pension solutions are free of commissions or acquisition fees.

Member services

  • We help you to find the right pension model for your company
  • We advise you on all aspects of occupational pension provision
  • We support you in informing your employees
  • The BVV network includes events, newsletters and circulars
  • We provide free advice for your employees
  • We offer simple administration solutions


BVV pension plan

As a member of BVV, we will be happy to offer you an individual solution that fits your company's needs.

Based on our experience, the following model can be considered as the market standard and gives you a first overview of our main product. It consists of two components:

1. Basic pension coverage

In addition to the statutory pension insurance, a wage-based monthly contribution is paid to BVV by the employer. The employee may participate in the payment by way of deferred compensation. Each contribution will be credited to a personal BVV pension account. Later benefits are derived from the sum of accrued pension increments plus possible surpluses.

BVV compact cover includes:

  • Lifelong retirement pension
  • Protection in the event of disability
  • Surviving dependants' pension

2. Supplementary pension

Your employees can increase their retirement pension individually, profiting from tax benefits and our excellent tariffs. This additional deferred compensation scheme is financed by the employee only.

Website for your employees

We also provide brief English information for your employees.

Employee's website

How to become a member?

Free membership

  • Be advised individually
  • Choose a solution that fits your company's needs
  • Sign the contract
  • Be a member of the BVV network

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